Chicago Network for Justice & Peace

Immigration: Facts and Fictions

We actually know how to reform our immigration policy. We have known what to do for some time. Even George Bush the 2nd knew what to do. But, 9/11 ruined whatever deals then-president Vicente Fox of Mexico and Bush were contemplating before that evil attack on our...

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Children Crossing Borders

The Beast ( La Bestia ) is a network of freight trains that connects Mexico's southern border with Guatemala and Belize to its northern border with the USA—about 1,500 miles. These trains move slowly, like fat caterpillars, as they haul the types of cargo you would...

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The Millennials and the American Dream

The grandchildren of the mostly white Americans who lived the reality of this great solid middle-class dream inherited a very different world from the one their grandparents enjoyed or anticipated. The grandchildren of the mostly white Americans who lived the reality...

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The American Dream: Going, Going, … ?

"I think this classic American Dream existed as a reality for many families right after WWII up until the mid-1960s when social and cultural changes started to shatter the harmony of the American middle-class dream." In 1630, when John Winthrop uttered these famous...

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Rancher Bundy, Civil Religion in US

In his 1762 treatise 'The Social Contract' Jean-Jacques Rousseau presents the principles necessary to construct legitimate political authority in the modern world, a world that had lost or destroyed the traditional foundations for government. In Book 8, he presents...

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