Chicago Network for Justice & Peace

On Religion

In 1799 the German theologian Friedrich Schleiermacher published a ground-breaking work, On Religion: Speeches to its Cultured Despisers. In these speeches, Schleiermacher contested the arrogance of those philosophers of the Enlightenment who dismissed "religion" as...

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Remembering Selma

Civil Rights is personal. You either feel the issues in your gut or you don't. No set amount of rhetoric or logic, no quantifiable amount of insult, can with certainty move you to action. Not even unbearably evil murders, such as, the murders of the four Black girls...

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Satire and Freedom

I once saw a production of Lysistrata—one of several anti-war plays by the ancient Greek writer Aristophanes—in which the chorus of old men sit on chamber pots complaining about the state of affairs in Athens as they try to move their bowels while suffering...

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The Grand Jury and Civil Rights

The grand jury 'no bill' decisions in the cases of the death of Eric Garner ( Staten Island, New York, July 17, 2014 ) and the death of Michael Brown ( Ferguson, Missouri, Aug. 9, 2014 ) through police actions—two unarmed Black men killed by white police officers—have...

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The Idea of the City and Our Mayoral Election

Our English word 'citizen' comes from the Latin word 'civitas' which means 'city.' A citizen, in Latin 'civis,' is someone who lives in a city. Such persons are said to be civil and civilized because they have evolved to a higher moral and cultural condition. Our word...

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