Chicago Network for Justice & Peace

The Child Soldier: From the Congo to Chicago

The forced use of a child in armed conflicts profoundly injures the person coerced and gravely insults the idea of the dignity of a human being—an essential value of our civilization and of our self-understanding. UNICEF estimates that more than 300,000 boys and girls...

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The silencing of writers: Saudi Arabia

The silencing of writers: Saudi Arabia

On the Rue Saint-Jean in the Place d' Youville just inside the Gate to the Old City of Quebec, a young woman stands in silence with three young children at her side. On the Rue Saint-Jean in the Place d' Youville just inside the Gate to the Old City of Quebec, a young...

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Writers at risk, A global pandemic

Writers, throughout the world, are being silenced by legal actions, threats, violence, imprisonment, exile, death. As opportunities for writers rapidly progress because of the explosion of global communication and media technologies, writers find themselves...

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PEN protests the rise of anti-LGBTQ legislation

At the 81st PEN World Congress this October in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, the delegates of the General Assembly of PEN International, the largest world-wide organization of professional writers, passed Resolution #20 protesting the anti-LGBTQI legislation enacted...

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Religious Liberty USA Style

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." — First Amendment, U.S. Constitution Kim Davis: Kim Davis, county clerk of Rowan County, Kentucky, refused to issue marriage licenses to competent, legally...

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