Capitalism with a heart?!

In 1983, in the midst of the Contra War against the Sandinista government of Nicaragua that had overthrown the dictatorship of Anastasio Somoza, a Franciscan nun from Milwaukee introduced me to the concept of co-operative economics. I was in Nicaragua participating in...

“Survival of the Fittest:” Making America Great Again

  The first time I was told I did not ‘fit’ was in third grade. Before nodding off and drooling on her desk, Sr. D. bitterly complained, as she stared me in the eye, about having to teach us Italians and Blacks—unfit to be in her class, fit only for...

Free the Word

When I was a youngster, I wanted to be a writer for a newspaper, or a U.S. Senator. I avidly read the papers I delivered to my clients and passionately participated in the politics of the times, reporting on Adlai Stevenson for president rallies for the Kingsley House...

Direct Election of Our President

  A funny thing happened to me as I was preparing to write this op-ed. I went looking for this thing called ‘the electoral college’ which everyone wants to abolish or defend or reform but I could not find it. The U.S. Constitution speaks of...